Hi H*,
I’m a recent college grad who lives in DC. Seeking the glory days, some friends and I are attending a lacrosse game and intend on taking part in one of my alma mater's tailgating traditions: tailgates at school were characterized by absurd Halloween-like costumes—the less rhyme or reason, the better. However, I’m on the more conservative end of the spectrum, but I would really like to impress my friends with a hilarious costume. Any thoughts?
-Eagerly Anticipating the Weekend
Well Weekender,
This isn't my usual area of expertise as costumes usually don’t epitomize style, but I think I’ve got a costume for you that’s pretty out there, but also appropriately in vogue right now. It doesn’t even take that much advanced planning. Assuming you have a suit and some hair product, all you’ll need are some Ray-Ban-esque shades and a crazy beard (this may have to be faked).
If you have been following entertainment news at all, you’ve probably guessed that I’m suggesting you masquerade as Joaquin Phoenix during his absurd appearance on Letterman last week. If you haven’t been keeping up with your TMZ, here’s a clip for your reference:
Phoenix’s behavior has been so talked about that it’s already been imitated in costume form. For inspiration, see Ben Stiller at the Oscars:
All you have to do is don the suit and the shades and put in some product to crazify the hair. The toughest part is going to be growing or procuring a beard.
Why is this costume so great? People will know immediately who you are, the suit lets you still look stylish for the ladies (don’t forget cufflinks), and any excuse to act drunk and drugged out is always fun—though at a college tailgate you may not have to fake it.
Not planning on giving up blogging for rapping any time soon,
Anyone have other crazy costume ideas? Leave a comment.